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Base de datos de productos

La base de datos de productos contiene información básica y enlaces referentes a los productos de INTOSAI y a los Equipos de Meta de sus Grupos de Trabajo Regionales, Grupos de Trabajo, Task Forces, EFS y Comités a partir de fuentes de acceso público. La intención de esta base de datos es concentrar todos los productos en un mismo lugar para una mejor orientación en el campo de la auditoría. Por "productos" entendemos las publicaciones, directrices, manuales, actas de reuniones, materiales generales, etc.

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El mantenimiento de esta base de datos está a cargo de la Meta Estratégica 1. Para realizar búsquedas en la base de datos, puede utilizar el filtro de búsqueda.

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Resultados de la búsqueda

Título Fuente Asunto Año
A summary of the NAO’s work on the Ministry of Justice 2010-2011

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management

Justice and Law Enforcement

Departmental Overview: A summary of the NAO’s work on the Department for Transport 2011-12

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management


Departmental Overview: A summary of the NAO’s work on the Department for Education 2011-12

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management

Education and Training

Departmental Overview: A summary of the NAO’s work on the Department for Work and Pensions 2011-12

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management

Employment, Jobs and Careers

Departmental Overview: A summary of the NAO’s work on HM Revenue and Customs 2011-12

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management

Taxation and Duties

Departmental Overview: A summary of the NAO’s work on the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 2011-12

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management

Business and Industry

Departmental Overview: A summary of the NAO’s work on the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 2011-12

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management

Environment and Natural Resources

Departmental Overview: A summary of the NAO’s work on the Department for Communities and Local Government 2011-12

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management

Communities and Regions

Departmental Overview: A summary of the NAO’s work on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office 2011-12

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management

International Affairs

Departmental Overview: A summary of the NAO’s work on the Department of Energy and Climate Change 2011-12

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management


Environment and Natural Resources


890 resultados .Mostrando del 71 para 80

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