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  3. Assessment of regularity of 2018 sets of the state consolidated financial and budget execution reports and legality of management, use and disposal of state budget funds and property

Assessment of regularity of 2018 sets of the state consolidated financial and budget execution reports and legality of management, use and disposal of state budget funds and property

Audit Id 1573029560166
Title Assessment of regularity of 2018 sets of the state consolidated financial and budget execution reports and legality of management, use and disposal of state budget funds and property
Title in original language

2018 metų valstybės konsoliduotųjų finansinių ir biudžeto vykdymo ataskaitų rinkinių teisingumo bei valstybės biudžeto lėšų ir turto valdymo, naudojimo, disponavimo jais teisėtumo vertinimas


Year 2019

Government Operations (Budget and Spending)



Type of performance

Performed by single SAI

Comments A mandatory audit performed annually. The following main audit findings were reported by the auditors: With regard to the sets of the state consolidated financial reports with regard to the sets of the state consolidated financial statements for 2018, the auditors issued a qualified opinion. The main audit findings were reported: 1. Centralised accounting processes need to be improved and recommendations for improving their quality have been made 2. There are material misstatements in the set of state consolidated financial reports With regard to the sets of budget execution reports, with regard to the set of the budget execution reports for 2018, the auditors issued an unqualified opinion. The main audit finding was reported: 3. The set of budget execution reports is correct in its essence, but decisions on the exact breakdown of revenue by type are still being sought With regard to the management, use and disposal of state budget funds and property, Main audit findings reported: 4. Internal control systems in criminal intelligence entities are generally functioning properly 5. Employee social security - civil liability insurance, not specified by law, although in practice it is applied by budgetary institutions 6. Control of the use of state budget grants for training needs to be strengthened With regard to the budget governance, Main audit findings reported. Essential changes in the strategic planning and budgeting system are expected 8. The use of fixed funding does not guarantee results-oriented state budgeting 9. There is a need for general rules for project (selection) funding 10. Procedures for financing of other entities (non-budgetary institutions) should be reviewed





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