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  3. CBC Sub-Committee on Peer review Invitation to comment on exposure draft ISSAI 5600 revised

CBC Sub-Committee on Peer review Invitation to comment on exposure draft ISSAI 5600 revised

October 14, 2015

The Peer Review Guide with Peer review Checklist was adopted at the XX INCOSAI in 2010 in South Africa as ISSAI 5600. The revised guide builds on the original ISSAI 5600, in particular the initial framework of principles and examples of good practices.  The structure and content has, however, undergone significant change in order to reflect the feedback and suggestions received from INTOSAI and the Regional Working Groups´ members since its adoption. New guidance on key aspects of the peer review process has also been included.

The Peer Review Checklist (included as an appendix in the original ISSAI 5600) has been further developed and renamed “Peer Review Areas and Questions” – PRAQ. It provides an updated list of possible areas to be considered for peer review and questions that might be asked. The guidance provided by the PRAQ is non-exhaustive and non-prescriptive.  PRAQ is based primarily on the principles and guidelines defined in the ISSAI framework.

The result of the ISSAI 5600 review process between 2013 until 2015, after several working versions, is more readable, reader – friendly, clearly structured standard with the latest knowledge collected from the INTOSAI community that was funnelled into the standard.

At its annual meeting in Stockholm, Sweden in September 2015, the Chair of the Sub-Committee on Peer Review, the SAI of Slovakia presented the revised ISSAI 5600 to the CBC members. The CBC Steering Committee has approved the revised ISSAI 5600 for exposure. The revised ISSAI 5600 is available at the and the EUROSAI members are invited to provide comments before February 15th, 2016 in line with the INTOSAI Due Process for Professional Standards.

The Sub-Committee Chair wishes to acknowledge the contributions to the revised standard draft made by the SAIs of Hungary, Poland, Austria, Germany and Sweden and especially by the European Court of Auditors.  

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