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Cooperation with SIGMA

SIGMA is a joint initiative of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the European Union (EU), for providing support to partner countries in their efforts to modernise public governance systems. This includes: assessing reform progress and identifying priorities, assisting in the process of institution-building and setting up legal frameworks, and facilitating assistance from the EU and other donors by helping to design projects and implement action plans.

SIGMA’s involvement in multi-country activity with the SAIs began in 1998. Since then, SIGMA has provided technical assistance, direction and advice, helping in achieving institutional reforms, adopting internationally recognised audit standards, and implementing auditing methods and practices that are consistent with EU good practice, working closely with the ECA in the implementation of its development strategy for the SAIs.

Cooperation with EUROSAI is continuing, including participation in triennial Congresses, technical seminars and EUROSAI Training Committee (ETC) meetings between 2000 and 2011. It provides support for building and strengthening SAIs so that they progress towards full compliance with international standards for public external audit and with good European audit practice.

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