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Governing Board

About the Governing Board

According to Articles 10-12  of the Statutes, the EUROSAI Governing Board is composed of eight members:

  • Four full-fledged (Heads of the SAIs that hosted the last two ordinary sessions of Congress, Head of SAI to hold the next regular session of Congress, and Secretary of EUROSAI)
  • Four elected by the Congress for a period of six years (two members renewable every three years).

Currently, the Governing Board is composed of the following SAIs:

Members: Czech Republic, Israel, Poland, Spain, Latvia, Lithuania, Türkiye, and United Kingdom. 

Observers: Austria, Norway, Portugal and Russian Federation.

The Governing Board is chaired by the Presidency of EUROSAI (SAI of Czech Republic), which represents the Organisation. Two Vice-Presidencies (the SAI of Israel, First Vice-Presidency, and the SAI of Poland, Second Vice-Presidency) and the Secretariat support the EUROSAI Presidency in the development of its tasks.

To ensure an appropriate representation of EUROSAI Members on the Governing Board, the geographical diversity and different systems of organisation of public sector auditing has been taken into account in the appointment of the members of the Governing Board.

The Heads of SAIs that are part of the INTOSAI Governing Board and are EUROSAI Members also participate in the Governing Board, as observers. Guests can be invited to the Governing Board meetings for presenting specific items of the agenda.

The Governing Board meets, at least, once a year. Its last meeting (58th) was held Vilnius (Lithuania) on 14-15 June 2023.

Chapter II of EUROSAI Standard Procedures regulate the areas or authority and the responsibilities of the Governing Board. Chapter III or the General Procedures for the EUROSAI Strategic Plan (ESP) 2017-2024, regulate the responsibilities of the Governing Board and its members  in that field and state that the Governing Board may delegate to the Coordination Team those decisions deemed appropriate for efficiency reasons.

The tasks and duties of the Governing Board

According to Article 11 of the Statutes, the Governing Board has the following responsibilities:

  • To oversee the fulfillment of the Statutes of the EUROSAI.
  • To adopt the decisions necessary for the functioning of EUROSAI, in accordance with the guidelines established by the Congress.
  • To adopt the draft budget and to submit it to the Congress.
  • To draft directions for the preparation and presentation of financial statements by the Secretariat and for their audit by the Auditors.
  • To submit the accounts, together with the Auditors' report and its own comments to the Congress for approval.
  • To submit a report on EUROSAI activities to each ordinary session of the Congress.
  • To fulfill any other duties entrusted to them by the Congress.

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