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Institutional Capacity Development (Strategic Goal 2)

“Helping SAIs deal with new opportunities and challenges by supporting and facilitating their institutional capacity development” is the second Strategic Goal 2 (SG2) of the ESP (2017-2024). In order to achieve that goal, the following strategic objectives have been set:

2.1 To facilitate and support needs driven institutional capacity development initiatives.

2.2 To promote and encourage institutional development through self-assessments, peer reviews and other evaluations.

2.3 To promote and facilitate the implementation of INTOSAI’s Framework of Professional Pronouncements (IFPP) and contribute to its future development.

2.4 To follow and contribute to the development of other INTOSAI initiatives and products related to capacity building.

2.5 Represent EUROSAI in the wider INTOSAI Community through appointment of specific liaisons.

Complete information about co-leaders’ roles, responsibilities, reporting and communication is available in the EUROSAI General Procedures for the ESP 2017-2024.

The Strategic Goal 2 was co-led by the SAI of Poland (GB member co-leader) and the SAI of Sweden (non-GB member co-leader) during the period 2017-2021, the GB having renewed their mandates for the period 2021-2024.

Key activities

EUROSAI members capacity development needs analysis

Enhancing EUROSAI's Capacity for Providing Peer-to-Peer Support

E-courses in Performance Audit

Joint EUROSAI-ECIIA Project Group on Integrated Reporting

EUROSAI secondment programme

Communication about development of INTOSAI Professional Pronouncements

Social utilisation and transparency of public sector audits

Develop implementation plan for SAI PMF

Promotion of SDGs audit in Europe

The role of SAIs in spreading integrity culture

Translation of ISSAIs into Russian language

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