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  3. The effectiveness of policies to promote gender equality and strengthen women's role

The effectiveness of policies to promote gender equality and strengthen women's role

Audit Id 1594031403972
Title The effectiveness of policies to promote gender equality and strengthen women's role
Titre dans la langue originale

Efektiviteti i politikave për nxitjen e barazisë gjinore dhe forcimin e rolit të gruas


Année 2019

Health and Social Care (incl. Welfare Benefits)



Type de performance

Performed by single SAI

Description Referring to the main audit question “Has the implementation of the National Strategy for Gender Equality 2016-2018 been effective in terms of promoting Gender Equality and strengthening women’s role of for the period 2017-2018?” the audit message was as follows: Despite ongoing efforts and incentive programs application, the main focus remains simply on implementation and lack of monitoring in terms of results. Improvements are mostly encountered in the process of drafting the regulatory and political framework and building structures, while progress in terms of gender indicators has difficulty in measurement as quantitative and comparative analysis is lacking of supportive reports on the gaps reasons, consequences and improvement recommendations. The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in the role of the main body responsible for drafting, implementing and monitoring policies related to gender issues, fails to collect or produce sustainable progressive indicators on gender issues, due to the lack of a standardized statistical and comparative report by the actors involved in the matter. Despite the positive efforts, in the future the biggest focus should be on the joint monitoring process and oriented towards the results that help decision-making, not just the obligation to implement an action plan.





See summary
Performance Audit Department
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