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According to articles 13-14 of the EUROSAI Statutes, the Secretariat of EUROSAI is held permanently by the Tribunal de Cuentas of Spain, which is also the EUROSAI headquarters. The Secretary General of EUROSAI is the President of the Spanish Court of Audit.

The Secretariat keeps the EUROSAI Members in contact and promotes relations between them during the interval between Congresses. The Secretariat is also responsible for drafting a schedule of proposals to be submitted to the governing bodies, at the request of the Members. The Secretariat coordinates EUROSAI’s Magazine and it hosts the EUROSAI website.

The tasks and duties of the Secretariat

According to Article 14 of the Statutes, the Secretariat has the following responsibilities:

  • To prepare the sessions of the Governing Board.
  • To carry out the decisions of the Congress and the Governing Board.
  • To prepare the draft budget of EUROSAI and to submit it to the Governing Board.
  • To submit the financial statements, in addition to an annual financial report to the Governing Board.
  • To implement the budget and maintain the accounts and records of EUROSAI.
  • To perform the duties assigned to it by the Congress or the Governing Board.

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