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  3. Does the national social inclusion policy achieve its targets on poverty reduction?

Does the national social inclusion policy achieve its targets on poverty reduction?

Audit Id 1605182335168
Title Does the national social inclusion policy achieve its targets on poverty reduction?
Titel in der Originalsprache

Vai valstī īstenotā sociālās iekļaušanas politika sasniedz tai izvirzītos mērķus nabadzības mazināšanas jomā?


Jahr 2020

Health and Social Care (incl. Welfare Benefits)



Art der Leistung

Performed by single SAI

Beschreibung Although Latvia has prepared many different documents since 2002 by prioritizing the reduction of poverty and income inequality both in the top hierarchical documents of the country and in substantiating almost every activity that we are going to implement and that requires additional funding, compared to the other EU Member States, the poverty level in Latvia is still high. This audit aims at a systemic assessment of the social support system to find out the actions actually taken by the government and local and regional governments in providing support to people at risk of poverty, starting with defining objectives and identifying groups at risk of poverty up to the original provision of support. The State Audit Office has paid special attention to local and regional governments and the social support they provide because when assessing the measures implemented in the country, one often does not take that support into account and analyses it by justifying that the available support is different in each municipality and depends on the needs of the municipal community and regional specifics. These audit results will also be included in a coordinated audit report on poverty reduction that the State Audit Office of Latvia is drafting with the supreme audit institutions of Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, and the Slovak Republic.





See summary

Audit report


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State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia, 50 Skanstes iela, Riga, LV-1013, Phone: +371 67017500
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