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  3. Vacant position in the INTOSAI-Donor Secretariat team in IDI - Global Call for Proposals Manager

Vacant position in the INTOSAI-Donor Secretariat team in IDI - Global Call for Proposals Manager

23. Februar 2017

IDI is announcing a vacant position as Global Call for Proposals Manager, responsible for leading on implementation of the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation’s Global Call for Proposals, as well as supporting all other Cooperation activities. This includes the Cooperation’s communications strategy, the Cooperation webpages and SAI Capacity Development Database, the forthcoming INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation Portal, and results measurement systems. 

The Global Call for Proposals (GCP) is a project matching initiative designed to empower SAIs and INTOSAI bodies to put forward strategic, needs-based proposals for external capacity development support. It is being relaunched in 2017, with two tiers. Tier 1 will be an inclusive approach, accepting proposals from all SAIs, INTOSAI bodies and regions for initiatives benefitting SAIs in developing countries. Tier 2 will be a new targeted approach offering more intensive support to a small group of the most challenged SAIs that struggle with developing strategic capacity development programs, particularly in fragile and conflict environment.

You can find all the information regarding the offer together with the job description, and links to apply for the position in the following link:

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