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  3. 7th Goal Team 1 meeting was held on 19-20 February 2015 in Budapest, Hungary

7th Goal Team 1 meeting was held on 19-20 February 2015 in Budapest, Hungary

4 de marzo de 2015

Budapest, Hungary. The main task of the meeting was to review the Operational plan and to discuss the new challenges the Goal Team is facing as a result of the IX EUROSAI Congress held last June.

The VIII EUROSAI Congress (Lisbon, 2011) adopted the organisation’s strategic plan for the period 2011-2017 specifying four goals, and decided on setting up four Goal Teams for the implementation thereof. One of these is the Capacity Building Goal Team, headed by the State Audit Office of Hungary (SAO). The first meeting of the Goal Team led by the new Chair was held on 19-20 February 2015 in Budapest, Hungary with the participation of 23 representatives from 16 SAIs and the IDI.

The event was opened by Mr László Domokos, President of the State Audit Office of Hungary, who expressed his pleasure in hosting the event and announced the new members of the Goal Team, the Court of Audit of The Netherlands as the current EUROSAI Presidency and the Turkish Court of Accounts, who will be the next president of EUROSAI. The President also explained that the SAO would like to continue the remarkable initiatives of the first half of the strategic period but also new innovative activities are planned to be added to the tasks of the Goal Team. The SAO President emphasised an output-oriented view in all the activities of the Goal Team and encouraged members to think in terms of products we could share with the wider EUROSAI Community.

During the meeting, the participants received a general overview about the previous and current periods of the EUROSAI Strategic Plan from the former and current Presidency. On behalf of the current President, the Dutch representatives reiterated the main messages of the IX Congress being “delivering the message in an effective way” and “opportunities and consequences for SAIs related to open data”. The representative of the Secretariat gave an update about EUROSAI website, publications and budget. The presentation on the Global Survey conducted by IDI, the IDI programme portfolio and e-learning capacities also provided useful input for the future activities of the Goal Team.

The members of the Goal Team reviewed the new tasks incorporated into the Operational Plan which support the implementation of the results of the IX Congress. The new methods of municipality audit and self-assessment tools are also added as new tasks. Goal Team 1 would like to continue the ongoing tasks of the Operational plan such as the series of innovation booklets: Volume 3 is going to be available in March 2015.

Goal Team 1 is continuously informing the EUROSAI community about its new issues on the EUROSAI website.

State Audit Office of Hungary

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